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The Sovereign Life Podcast with Terri2Kool

Oct 7, 2020

Connect on Instagram: @terri2kool x @tslpodcast_

Whether you are knocking on the door of olderhood or you are just starting. your very first job, which actually pays into your pension fund, NOW is the time to start thinking about your retirement years.

Many of us will (or maybe not) receive a government pension cheque when we have decided to retire from working. Others will have private pension cheques due to us during those years.

If you are blessed to receive both or one, it is time for you to start thinking about how much money you will need in your olderhood because if that number is GREATER THAN the project value of your pension account at that time.

We need to start thinking of alternative ways to get you the money you need when you've decided to step out of the working world.

In this episode, I am sharing with you basic information on pensions plus giving my recommendations on when you should start caring about your fund/account balance.